Following Tenenbaum and Pollard,
■ A linear differential equation of order n is an equation which can be written in the form
where f0(x), f1(x), . . . , fn(x) and Q(x) are continuous functions of x defined on a common interval I, and fn(x) is nonzero somewhere in I. Note that y(k) is the kth derivative of y. For example, y''' = y(3).
Definition: Let the functions f1(x), f2(x), . . . , fn(x), be defined on a common interval I. Then the functions are linearly dependent if there exist constants c1, c2, . . . , cn, not all zero, such that
for every x in I.
The functions are linearly independent if no such set of constants exists.
■ Theorem 19.3: If f0(x), f1(x), . . . , fn(x) and Q(x) are continuous functions of x on a common interval I and fn(x) ≠ 0 when x is in I, then
1. The homogeneous linear differential equation
2. The linear combination of these n solutions
3. The function
where yp is a particular solution of the nonhomogeneous equation (with Q(x) ≠ 0), is an n-parameter family of solutions of (18.11).
(Chapter 19, pg. 211:)
"It is extremely important that you prove the statements in Exercises 5 to 7 below."
■ 5. If yp is a solution of
then Ayp is a solution of (19.5) with Q(x) replaced by AQ(x).
If yp is a solution of (19.5), we have
Mulitply through by A
And since
With the A's pulled into the derivatives, we have
And Ayp is a solution of (19.5) with Q(x) replaced by AQ(x).
■ 6. Principle of Superposition. If yp1 is a solution of (19.5) with Q(x) replaced by Q1(x) and yp2 is a solution of (19.5) with Q(x) replaced by Q2(x), then yp = yp1+ yp2 is a solution of
Add the two equations in yp1 and yp2:
And since differentiation distributes: (u' + v') = (u + v)',
After the substitution yp = [yp1+ yp2],
■7. If yp(x) = u(x) + iv(x) is a solution of
where f0(x), . . . , fn(x) are real functions of x, then
(a) the real part of yp, i.e. u(x), is a solution of
(b) the imaginary part of yp, i.e. v(x), is a solution of
Writing yp(x) as u + iv,
differentiate the terms separately,
and collect real and imaginary parts on the left-hand side:
Two complex quantities are equal iff their real parts are equal and their complex parts are equal. That is,
Next: The Homogeneous Case →
Notes: To make the material easier for me to find, I use the numbering from Tenenbaum and Pollard's Ordinary Differential Equations, Dover Press. If you find my personal math blog useful, I am happy to change the numbering and layout for easier navigation. Let me know.
Thanks as always to CodeCogs for the Latex Equation Editor.
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